
Why Must I Login?

You must login because the service you requested is restricted to authorized users only.

Can't Login

If you cannot login, it is either because you have entered the wrong username and password combination or that you do not have a Client Services Profile.

What is Client Services?

Client Services is the gateway to all restricted access content and applications available through CIHI's website. Before you can access these restricted services, you must login by providing the unique username and password associated with your Client Services user profile. If you do not yet have an profile, you can create one. While anyone can create an profile, the services available to you will depend on your permissions. Permissions are granted by CIHI based on your relationship with a CIHI client organization. If you are an employee or otherwise affiliated with a CIHI client organization, such as a Canadian hospital, it is critical that you identify the correct organization during the profile creation process. Failing to do so will mean that you won't be able to access the services linked to that organization. Creating an profile does not guarantee access to all restricted services. However, you cannot access any restricted services without a Client Services profile.

Forgot Password or User Name

If you forget your password, you may ask to reset your password. For security, you will be asked to verify your identity by entering your user name and answering one of the challenge questions you chose when you created your profile. Please be sure that your answer to this question exactly matches the answer you provided at sign-up. Once you have successfully provided the correct answer, a message containing a new password will be immediately sent to the e-mail address listed in your user profile. If you forget your user name, you can use the Remind Username function to have it sent to the e-mail address listed in your user profile. Again, you will be asked to answer one of the challenge questions you chose when you created your profile. If you forget the answer to your challenge question, please contact the CIHI eSupport Desk.

Change Password

To change your password you must be logged-in to Client Services. Once logged in, click the 'Change Password' link on the left menu.

Change Profile Settings

To edit your CIHI profile information, you must be logged-in to Client Services. Once logged in click on the Edit My Profile link on the left menu.

Request New Services

To request new CIHI services you must be logged-in to Client Services. Once logged in, click on the "Select New Services' link on the left menu.


CIHI has invested in the very best security measures to ensure that your sensitive personal and institutional information is protected when sent over the Internet. When you create a Client Services user profile, you will choose a username and password that will allow you access to all the restricted services associated with your profile. For this reason, it is very important that you do not share your username and password with anyone else. In addition to username and password authentication, secure applications utilize SSL encryption, which ensures that the information being passed between CIHI and your browser is not intercepted by others.


If you are experiencing technical problems, or otherwise need help using Client Services, please contact CIHI's eSupport Desk. Service is available Monday to Friday (except statutory holidays), 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time.

  • Phone: 613-241-5543
  • Fax: (613) 241-8120

If you have a disability and would like CIHI information in a different format, visit our Accessibility page.